Sunday, September 20, 2015

Overcoming Obstacles

There are people who have to overcome many different obstacles. Some have medical issues while others might be overcoming something else. No matter what your obstacle is you can always overcome it with God on your side. For the past three months I have been having severe shoulder pain. My mom has taken me to a emergency room and two different orthopedics. This past Friday we finally got some answers. They told me that my shoulder is trying to come out of the socket because I have no stability in my shoulder I have bone on bone. I will find out in two weeks if I have to have surgery. If I have surgery I won't be able to march in the band anymore. It will take 4-6 months to heal. Even though I might have a bad shoulder and might not be able to ever do one of the things I love to do the most again I know everything will be okay. I know that God is and forever will be on my side. While I am in pain and struggling with doing most things with my right side I know that there are people worse off then me and at least I am alive some people don't make it to be 18. This is one obstacle I will fight to overcome.

2 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Mark said...

What happened to the other blogs you linked? I forgot the addresses and usually link off of this page.

Good work on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog!