Sunday, October 25, 2015

Being Noticed Isn't Everything

Have you ever wanted to be noticed by someone or a group of people? Everyone has, it's human nature. Being noticed isn't everything though. People come in and out of your lives, them noticing you is not likely. Recently I have had to learn this lesson. Personal things have been going on and people that I thought was my friends haven't been there when needed. I've had to learn that the only friend I need is God. He's there when no one else is or ever will be. He's there when you need to talk. He's there when you need someone to get advice from. He is there! See often times we get lost in being supported and have friends here in this world but if you have family and God that's all you need. People that do you wrong will be punished one day. Keep your head up trust me I promise everything is going to be okay. People will use you, hurt you, even abuse you but it will be okay. Things aren't as bad as they seem. Don't ever let anyone break you or make you give up. When you let them do that your giving them exactly what they wanted. If people that are friends and some like your second family can't see that you are a good person that's their loss not yours. You have God on your side they might not. 

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