Sunday, November 29, 2015

Islam vs Christianity

All the recent tragedies involved with the group ISIS is truly devastating. They are killing people with no right at all. ISIS worships a so called God Allah. They don't worship the Holy Bible like Christians do they worship the Koran. Their faith and confidence is making them a huge opponent. ISIS IS COMING OVER HERE TO OUR COUNTRY KILLING OUR PEOPLE!!! ISIS IS KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES TAKING THEIR LIVES FOR NO REASON AT ALL. Christianity doesn't believe in killing people. NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO KILL ANYONE UNLESS PUT IN THE JOB POSITION TO HAVE TO DO SO. ISIS is coming and they are going to come bigger and worse next time. They are trying to inflict their beliefs on everyone else. They think they are involved with the end of the World. Sorry to break it to you but the only ones involved with the end is Jesus Christ and God Almighty. We have to stand for our belief in Jesus Christ. He said that whoever denies him he will deny to his father. Get your life with God today! We are the object of terrorism. It's our job to stand strong and don't back down. ISIS is not the only terrorist group but right now they are worst and we will have to join hands and be willing to say I DO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST. GOD IS MY CREATOR! I AM NOT ASHAMED TO SAY THAT I GO TO A CHURCH OF CHRIST AND THAT I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!!!! NEVER DENY THAT YOUR A CHRISTIAN. ANYON CAN BE CONVERTED! SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN THE QUESTION IS PRESENTED TO YOU??

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Paul said...

Keri, your blog looks great. Thanks for helping Xander on his!