Sunday, February 21, 2016

Matthew 14:28-33

We read in Matthew 14:28-33 of the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus in verse 28 "Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Jesus answered "Come". So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. When Peter saw the wind he got scared and started to sink sand started crying out for Jesus to save him. Jesus reached out to him then said "Oh yes of little faith, why did you doubt"? You see Peter could have walked all the way to Jesus  if he just didn't get distracted. He let his fears distract him of his goal. This how many of us are today. We go to Church on Sunday ready to face the rest of the world and spread the Gospel but then by Tuesday we have already lost that spark and sinned greatly. Jesus is always with each and everyone of us. He never leads us alone. If we continue to lose our faith and spark in the Gospel then we will never make it to Heaven. Don't be like Peter and be afraid and let our "fears" take over our faith in Jesus. He died on the cross for us to be able to have repentance of our sins and have a chance at going to Heaven, we can at least keep faith in him. My grandad has used the phrase doubting Tom for some time now to describe someone who don't have in God to get them through a hard time like a tornado or losing a job. Are you a doubting Tom or doubting Peter? Do you struggle with my your faith and doubting Gods abilities? Don't be like Peter and start to sink and if you have already started then get your life right before it's too late and you "drown".

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