Friday, February 20, 2015

Never Give Up

I have been through losing my great grandmother, losing the uncle I was closest to, breaking three fingers, having endometriosis surgery, freshman year of high school, having a panic attack, and so much more but you know what I never gave up. Yes I wanted to so many times but I didn't. I felt alone, out of place, and heartbroken but I never gave up. The reason why I didn't give up is because I have God on my side. When everyone else gives up on you God is still here. Things are hard at times. Everyone has things they struggle with it might be depression sickness, sorrow, pain, or something else but trust me you are NOT alone! I know it feels like it at first and you might not have anyone around you that you can talk to but you do have God. I know how it feels to feel like you are a bother and nothing you do is right. Honestly that's how I feel a lot of the time but I refuse to give up. God has great things planned for everyone! You just have to give him time.

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Paul said...

Good thoughts, Keri.