Sunday, March 1, 2015

Jesus Hold My Hand

Jesus Hold My Hand was my great grandmother's favorite church song. Every time we sung this song you would always see her on the back row just bobbing her head and singing along. Even on her death bed she still wanted to hear this song. "As I travel thru this pilgrim land There is a Friend who walks with me, Leads me safely thru the sinking sand It is the Christ of Calvary; This would be my prayer dear Lord, each day To help me do the best I can, For I need Thy light to guide me day and night Blessed Jesus, hold my hand." Have you ever thought what this verse means? As we travel through this world there is a friend who walks with us and that friend is Jesus.  Jesus leads us safely through all obstacles no matter how hard they are you just have to have faith in him to do so. We pray for Jesus to help us do the best we can. We need his light no matter to guide us through day and night. We need Jesus to hold our hand. My great grandmother went through so much suffering but never lost hope of someday going to meet God. I sung this song to her right before she died and I am 100% sure that she heard me. This song meant so much to her and now it means so much to me to. Yeah we might suffer or go through hard times but we must always keep in mind that Jesus is always walking with us. He will help us through our struggles. He will hold our hands. He hears our plea and is constantly watching us. Don't lose faith or hope in Him. My great grandmother didn't and she had went through so much pain and guess what I'm not going to either and neither should you!

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