Sunday, August 23, 2015

My Best Friend

My best friend is my mom! No matter what I know that she will always be here for me. She has kept me moving no matter how bad I wanted to give up. My mom is a single mom but she never slacked off on her job as a parent. Looking back over the years I've been in school with this being my senior year I truly can say that I wouldn't have made it to the 12th grade if it wasn't for my mom. I would truly be lost without her. And for those people who don't appreciate the fact that they have a mom they should be ashamed of themselves because your mom has been there for you when no one else was. Your mom is the one who carried you for 9 months she loves you with all her heart and you better start appreciating the fact that you have a mom because one day you won't have her around! I love my mom and I AM NOT ASHAMED TO SAY IT!

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