Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Child Abuse

Did you know that children die everyday from abuse or neglect? In 2005 alone about 1,460 children died from being abused or neglected. Most of these children about 76.6% were 3 years old and younger. This is truly sad and heartbreaking. No child or any person no matter who they are ever deserves to be abused and neglected. Parents that don't even want their child or children often take advantage of the fact that they have them. According to National estimates that about 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. There are people who love children and want to badly have some of their own while there are others who don't want their child or children at all. Children are beaten, starved, hated, sexually abused, and emotionally abused. Some people just honestly are crazy and don't care about anyone but themselves. It doesn't have to be physical for a child to be considered to be abused. Ignoring, rejecting, isolating, exploiting, corrupting, verbally assaulting, terrorizing, and neglecting the child are all considered emotional abuse. It sickens me that someone can harm and hate a creation of God. God could've hated us but he chose not to and instead sent his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to die for OUR sins. If you don't want your child and you have the tendency to hurt them get yourself some help because that is just plain crazy. Adoption is an option but it seems to be forgotten about any many circumstances. Let someone who will actually take care of the child or children take care of them as their own. If you know about a child that is getting abused report it. You might be the one to save a life. STOP THE ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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