Wednesday, January 13, 2016


There are people who die everyday by committing suicide. People are judged so much for committing it but do the people judging think or even try to figure out why they did what they did. Suicide is caused by bullying, depression, abuse, thinking that they don't have a purpose or meaning, and so many other reasons. You never know how what you say or do will affect someone else. That one thing that you say bad about their clothes or that one time you let your anger get the best of you and you hit them could set them off and cause their decision for suicide. Being to someone might be cool to your "friends" but how do you think it's affecting the person your bullying? Or do you even consider that at all? I've had friends in the past that have been suicidal. Friends that I was close to. It was my job as their friend and as a Christian to be there for them and get them away from that path. So many times people try to avoid the situation because they think they will just make it worse but as their friends and as Christians we NEED to help them. God didn't create mankind for it to be destroyed over something so crazy as suicide. The World is crazy enough and this could be the one thing we do to help change it around and get it back to a Godly world.

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Emily said...

We should always be kind to people because we never know what they could be dealing with!