Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Staying True to Who You Are

Have you ever changed as a person even if it was for a brief amount of time? We all have there's no denying it. Between friends to family, trends, to being at work or school there is always something going around us that will compete with who we really are. It doesn't just affect teenagers or little kids. This issue affects everyone! You could be the nicest sweetest person in the whole entire World but when someone is acting mean towards your kindness or your goofy personality you shut down and just don't say anything to anyone. If you are this person that tries to change others let me give you a piece of advice. GET A LIFE OF YOUR OWN AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE! People are not all made the same. Some are really goofy others are laid back. Some talk a lot others are quiet. Some people want everything to be about them and if it's not then they aren't happy. These people are usually the ones that try to change someone the most when they realize that they are liked more, going to go farther in life, or maybe just nicer and a better friend. These are the people we can't worry about because one day sooner or later they realize that they are the ones that need to change not the other person.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Have you ever been involved in drama? Truthfully everyone has at some point and time, but to be 100% honest drama is stupid and childish. Drama can destroy friendships, hurt people, and make things 10x worse then they ever should have been. As teenagers we are surrounded by drama 24/7 even adults are often involved in drama. Drama is pointless. We as Christians need to often think before we get ourselves involved in something like this. Yes we might get talked about, stabbed in the back, or even bullied but it's not worth the fight. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Islam vs Christianity

All the recent tragedies involved with the group ISIS is truly devastating. They are killing people with no right at all. ISIS worships a so called God Allah. They don't worship the Holy Bible like Christians do they worship the Koran. Their faith and confidence is making them a huge opponent. ISIS IS COMING OVER HERE TO OUR COUNTRY KILLING OUR PEOPLE!!! ISIS IS KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES TAKING THEIR LIVES FOR NO REASON AT ALL. Christianity doesn't believe in killing people. NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO KILL ANYONE UNLESS PUT IN THE JOB POSITION TO HAVE TO DO SO. ISIS is coming and they are going to come bigger and worse next time. They are trying to inflict their beliefs on everyone else. They think they are involved with the end of the World. Sorry to break it to you but the only ones involved with the end is Jesus Christ and God Almighty. We have to stand for our belief in Jesus Christ. He said that whoever denies him he will deny to his father. Get your life with God today! We are the object of terrorism. It's our job to stand strong and don't back down. ISIS is not the only terrorist group but right now they are worst and we will have to join hands and be willing to say I DO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST. GOD IS MY CREATOR! I AM NOT ASHAMED TO SAY THAT I GO TO A CHURCH OF CHRIST AND THAT I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!!!! NEVER DENY THAT YOUR A CHRISTIAN. ANYON CAN BE CONVERTED! SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN THE QUESTION IS PRESENTED TO YOU??

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Full Of Energy

Have you ever realized how much energy little kids have? They will run around for hours and hours and will still have energy to carry on. Often times as we get older we lose our energy. As we gradually lose energy it starts affecting everything we do. Yes you will lose energy but that should never affect your life with God. Generally older people come to Church less. They make awful comments about certain speakers that they don't like using that as an excuse for why they don't come that much anymore. Now as time goes on younger people and adults are starting to do the same thing. WE CAN'T DO THIS PEOPLE! A CHANGE HAS TO BE MADE! no we will never have as much energy as little kids do again but we can try. How our outlook is on church and life reflects on other people! Age shouldn't matter at all. Whether your old or young you should still be at Church every chance you get. Not liking a certain teacher or saying you can't drive at night isn't a good excuse. If you need a way there and back home all you have to do is pick up the phone and call someone! Don't let not having the energy to drive stop you!  People would love to help especially if it means giving someone a ride back and forth to and from Church. I love all of my teachers. They have taught me so much over the years. Just because someone might not teach in a certain way doesn't give you the right to not like them. If you don't feel like going to Church because you wasted all your energy before hand shopping or something like that then maybe you need to get your priorities straightened out. If your sick its understandable. Family emergency? We all have those at times. Sometimes people might even have to work. But for people to not come to Church just because they don't feel like it or don't have the "energy" is ridiculous. If you have enough energy to sit st home then you have enough energy to sit at Church.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Special Education

I have decided to be a special education teacher. I want to make a difference in children's lives when they think all hope is gone. Some people think that special kids don't deserve to live, those people are probably also the same people who believe in abortion. Killing innocent children because they aren't per say "normal" is stupid. Some people just don't use the common sense they have. If that moral was true then God had the right to kill you because trust me not even you are normal. Everyone has flaws. Special ed children and adults are some of the sweetest, loving, kind-hearted people that you and I will ever meet and have they have a right to life just like me and you.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Being Noticed Isn't Everything

Have you ever wanted to be noticed by someone or a group of people? Everyone has, it's human nature. Being noticed isn't everything though. People come in and out of your lives, them noticing you is not likely. Recently I have had to learn this lesson. Personal things have been going on and people that I thought was my friends haven't been there when needed. I've had to learn that the only friend I need is God. He's there when no one else is or ever will be. He's there when you need to talk. He's there when you need someone to get advice from. He is there! See often times we get lost in being supported and have friends here in this world but if you have family and God that's all you need. People that do you wrong will be punished one day. Keep your head up trust me I promise everything is going to be okay. People will use you, hurt you, even abuse you but it will be okay. Things aren't as bad as they seem. Don't ever let anyone break you or make you give up. When you let them do that your giving them exactly what they wanted. If people that are friends and some like your second family can't see that you are a good person that's their loss not yours. You have God on your side they might not. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

What Makes You Happy

What makes you happy? Some people it's their family, others it could be anything. Being surrounded by my family and friends especially makes me happy. Being alive makes me happy. There is so many lives that were cut entirely to short and didn't make it to 18. Spending time with my mom and helping other people and music makes me happy. Playing softball makes me happy. There is so many reasons why we could be happy all we have to do is use them. God has given his son as a sacrifice on the cross for us to be able to have remission of our sins. We are loved by someone so much greater then we could ever be that only should be the greatest happiness we ever need.