Sunday, December 7, 2014


Christmas is in 2 weeks!!!! Can you believe it!??????? Everyone is making list for things they want, making plans for what they are going to do, and plans about who they are going to spend it with. During this season it is supposed to be a time of giving and spending time with your loved ones and people are forgetting that. We get mad when we don't get exactly what we have on our lists but think about the people who don't recieve any gifts. Think about the people who don't have any family to spend Christmas with. Not everyone is able to celebrate Christmas. The soldiers over seas being thousands of miles away from their families but we're worrying about what we are going to recieve and if it will be better then everyone else's presents. Personally I do even care about getting presents I just love spending time with my friends and family, looking at all the decorations and lights, decorating the tree, and seeing everyone happy. What are your priorities at this time of year?

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