Sunday, January 18, 2015

50 States

Last week I had the joy of having to memorize all 50 states, their capitals, and locations. It was difficult at first but I made up random ways to remember them. 50 states in the United States. Are you teaching people about the gospel throughout your state?? If not one Christian teaches anyone else in the whole United States how will the people in other locations ever learn about the Bible? We are told to go out and teach in the Bible. Now I'm not saying everyone will be missionaries or travel the country teaching but how about walking across the street and inviting someone to church? Someone had to teach us and it's our job to each others. I would hate to know that someone didn't make it to Heaven because I failed to do my job as a child of Christ and teach them. I just wouldn't be able to bear the thought. People are always looking for an excuse to talk to someone why not stop looking for excuses to use to talk to them and start discussing the Bible? Why not stop inviting people to go to the mall or movies and invite them to go to church with you? Why not stop putting off conversations about the Bible and questions that people have and just face them? We don't like people to call us cowards or think of us wimps but we act like it. We are always too scared to talk about the Bible because we  think we will look like freaks or weirdos. Seriously there will always be something weird about you. I don't know what your weird thing about you is but one of my weird things just happens to be I'm a 17 year old girl and I like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It is seriously sad when we are so scared about being seen as weird and would rather talk about everything else in the world but the Bible just to keep things "right". There are people in some countries who die everyday because they are Christians and they teach the word and praise God. While we sit around in a "free" country with freedom of religion in all 50 states and we struggle with sharing our faith. We need to get our priorities straight and fix this problem we have with teaching others the Gospel!

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