Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Big Brother Big Sister

This year I am participating in Big Brother Big Sister! I didn't get to participate in it last year due to a misunderstanding but I'm glad I get to this year. On Feburary 6 I will be matched with my little. As a big sister I get to mentor a little, spend time with them, encourage them, and most importantly be there friend. Maybe I will even be able to get to get my little interested in the Bible and influence them in a Godly manner... I know I sure will try. 

5 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...


Andrew said...

nice work

Granna said...

Sounds like a great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with the work you do.

Kayla (KayKay) said...

You are a great girl and will be and exceptional leader
and role model to whoever gets chosen as your little
sister! Love you!