Sunday, January 25, 2015

Starting Rumors

Have you ever started a rumor or helped spread one? I hear rumors all the time and even heard rumors that were started about me. It's seriously sad when someone has nothing better to do then start rumors about someone else. Rumors can break people down and they hurt! Nobody's perfect everyone makes mistakes so why make up stuff about people that isn't true? Spreading rumors can ruin people's reputations. Are you that concerned with someone else life that you have to sit there and spread rumors. Have you ever heard the phrase if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Then keep people's names out of your mouth unless it involves you. Starting rumors is not worth it and neither is spreading rumors. If you know something about someone keep it to yourself! Think about how you would feel if you were in their shoes how do you think you would feel when people start rumors about you... You wouldn't like it so what makes you think someone else would like it?

4 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

I'm starting a rumor that this blog is good.

Carlos said...

Very good points.

Anonymous said...

Exodus 23:1 is a great verse to think about.

sharla said...

You make some great points! Good job on your work with Lads to Leaders. We go to the Atlanta convention.