Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Common Love

A Common Love  for each other, a common gift to the savior. This is one of my favorite church songs! One thing binds us all together and that is the love of the Savior. He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins without him doing this we would all be without hope. We were all put here for a reason and that was to serve God. We are tied together and need to support each other. It is a bond holding us to the truth! JESUS IS THE TRUTH! This is a song with such powerful words. If you haven't ever heard this song you really need to and don't just listen to how it sounds listen to the words. Think about what the words mean and how they relate to you, your life, and your bond with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Roland said...

I fancy this blog.