Sunday, March 15, 2015

When Was The Last Time You Paid Attention In Church?

When was the last time you paid attention in church? Was it during the last worship service? Two weeks ago? A month ago? A year ago? You should be entirely focused on the lesson EVERY  worship service! You might not think the lesson at that time has something to do with you but it probably does. Sorry to tell you this but the only person that was ever perfect died and rose from his grave. You go to church for a reason. That reason isn't to text, or play games, or think about what's going to happen tomorrow. Why worry about tomorrow when you can barely pay attention to what's going on today? Christ never lost sight of the bigger picture! He died on the cross for us! So we could have forgiveness for our sins but we have problems focusing in church. You never know what affect the sermon preached or a lesson taught will have on you. Stop saying you can't and just do I promise it won't kill you to help spread the Gospel!

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