Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Getting Ready to Go

As of right now we are all packed for convention and after church we will be loading the car. There is so many details that go into the preparation for Lads to Leaders. Shirts are made, papers are filled out, events are taken care of, practices are held, packing is done. It takes a lot of effort to make Lads to Leaders happen. So many times we put more effort in things that are going on throughout the day then we do towards what should be our major goal...Going to Heaven. People go through life doing the least amount of what's require as possible just to make sure they get by. People go throughout life cussing, lying, stealing, lusting, etc. but still think they will go to Heaven. Just like you have to prepare to go on a trip or go to a competition you have to prepare for the day that He will return. The day that we will have to account for our sins is going to be the most important day of our lives. We have to prepare. You can't expect to go through life doing whatever in the World we want to and expect to go to Heaven when the day of judgement comes we need a serious reality check. 

2 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

Are you in Nashville? I think I saw you.

Anonymous said...

I hope your blog gets first place tonight!!!!!!