Sunday, April 5, 2015

Convention 2015

Well the Lads to Leaders convention for 2015 is officially over. I had so much fun at the convention in Nashville this weekend. I've seen so many people I haven't seen in what feels like forever and made new friends I will never forget. This year my congregation even participated in puppets for the first time! Never thought I would we are the Sylvan Springs Church of Christ puppet team! This year I got second on my blog, first on my painting, 2nd on PowerPoint, 3rd on article editorial, a trophy for learning 100 memory verses, second place in song of praise, top 10 highest score for the pearls test, Johnathon Bourland platinum for good samritans, a medal for read the word, beads for keepers, and I even carried the banner! Lads to Leaders is a great experience for any and everyone! You don't have to be a child or teenager to help or participate in some kind of way! I am so appreciative of everything I recevied this weekend and I  have learned so much this weekend! I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me, encouraged me, and has been there for me no matter what!

2 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Paul said...

Great job, Keri! I forgot to mention you had 2nd place on your powerpoint last night.

Anonymous said...