Sunday, April 19, 2015

Encouraging vs. Decouraging

Do you understand the meaning of encouragement? I mean really understand it. When you are a part of a church you are supposed to encourage and build up your brothers and sisters in Christ not criticize everything they do. According to google the definition of encouragement is to give someone support or confidence. Decouraging someone on the other hand means to bring some one down. Words hurt more then you think. What you say to someone might determine whether they come back to the church or not. People fail to remember at times that nobody is perfect on this world. You can encourage someone without being mean and rude about it, and before you start telling other people what they should and shouldn't be doing you need to clean out your own door step. We have been taught our whole lives to treat people how you want to be treated but people seem to forget that. You go out to places and people are rude and hateful. There's no need for someone to be rude to someone because they lack knowledge of what's going on. Worry about what you need to work on first then try to criticize others. Just because someone is younger than you don't mean they are any worse off then you are. They might surprise you one day. Be slower to be hateful and criticize and quicker to listen. You never know what someone is going through the last thing you said to them could be what pushes them over the edge.

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

Very nice post.