Sunday, May 17, 2015

Staying True to Yourself

I am about to be a senior in high school. That is a big accomplishment for me considering some people haven't even made it this far. Most people my age have lost themselves a long time ago. People tend to lose themselves when things get hard. You could be one of the best Christians in the world but get addicted to pain pills after being in the hospital. Some one could be a great person but get caught up with the wrong people and start going out and killing people. Just because bad things happen don't mean you have to let them over take you. YOU ARE YOUR OWN PERSON! NOBODY controls you but YOU! God don't put more on you then you can handle. If I didn't have God on my side I would have lost myself a long time. Everyone has been through a lot I've lost loved ones, had an anxiety attack, been bullied but I'm stronger than ever maybe not physically but I am mentally and spiritually. You got to learn to grow from experiences not shrink from them because God is by our side through it all!

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post