Sunday, June 21, 2015


Have you ever committed to something? Now I mean really committed to something. Now days people can't even commit to what color they want to wear. They go out get married and get divorced the next day. God set up marriage for until death do y'all part not until Sue makes Steve mad. If you don't go into a marriage thinking about the rest of your lives then you shouldn't be married at all. If you can't commit yourself to something small how can you expect to commit yourself to God. "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son." God sent his son for us and people have the audacity to doubt him and challenge his existence. Like really? Come on now. God committed his son to die on the cross but people struggle to even decide to give their life over to him. Don't wait around until it's too late commit to him ASAP! He will be here soon and when he comes what are you going to do say I'm sorry God I had/have commitment issues? I think not! It won't matter to God if you have commitment issues or not it all comes down to did you live your life in a way pleasing to God! 

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