Thursday, July 16, 2015

Being A Leader

This year I am in several different leadership positions at school. I am a senior, I am senior class secretary, and I am a section leader in the band. When you become a leader you are taking on great responsibility. You have to be on your best behavior at all times. You constantly have people watching you. You can NEVER make excuses if you do everyone else will follow you. Not everyone can be a leader in school or sports or even in your group of friends but you can lead for God. There is several different examples in the Bible showing us great leaders for God. You don't have to be the best but you always have to be on your best behavior because there is always someone watching you especially non-Christians. Do you honestly think that if you are going out and getting drunk at parties or going to work or school and cussing or doing some other sin that it will influence someone for the better. NO it won't! The Bible tells us how we are supposed to act and yes we will slip up sometimes we can still aim to be the best leader we can be. I would hate to know someone went to hell because they thought it was okay to participate in a certain sin because they saw me doing it as well. Could you honestly live with yourself ? Could you honestly live with the fact knowing someone had a question but were to afraid to ask you because of how you presented yourself? Could you live with yourself knowing that someone was uncomfortable when they visited the Church because of how you treated them? Be a leader and lead for God! So think to yourself what kind of leader are you? Are you a leader for God?

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