Sunday, July 26, 2015

Standing Alone

Have you ever felt like you were all alone? Like everyone in the whole entire World is against you ? Like you have no one you can turn to? Being a teenager and starting my senior year of high school I feel like this a lot. People I thought were my best friends acting different, get looked at strange for not going along with the crowd, get made fun of and looked at strange when I sing out in a church setting, get talked about when all I try do is help someone because I'm older then them and I know how hard things can get, and feel like have no one to talk to. There is a song that we often sing at our church called Where No One Stands Alone. This song always reminds me that yes I get to where all I want to do is cry at times but I am not alone and neither are you. We truly have a friend in Jesus. No matter how bad things get and how much you feel like you have no one to turn to you always have God.

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