Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Abortions started in the 19th century. Since then 56,405,766 innocent lives have been taken! These babies have done nothing wrong! If the women didn't want to have kids then they shouldn't have put themselves in that situation! It makes me sick thinking that some one could be so self centered they would do something that's in humane. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL? IF YOU DON'T WANT KIDS DON'T GET PREGNANT! If you get pregnant then just put the child or children up for adoption! If you can kill a child then walk away like you did nothing wrong you are sick! These babies have souls! They deserve to live! How do you think you would have felt if your own mother killed you!!!!!?? I don't care if you got pregnant as a teenager, out of wedlock, you slept with someone who wasn't your husband you better have that child if you didn't want to get pregnant you shouldn't have taken the chance by having sex! That is NO ONE'S FAULT BUT YOURS! IF YOU GET RAPED YOU CAN STILL HAVE THE BABY IF YOU DON'T WANT IT THEN PUT IT UP FOR ADOPTION BECAUSE THE INCIDENT ISN'T THEIR FAULT ITS THE IDIOT WHO RAPED YOU! There is plenty of families who would love to adopt so don't kill the child! Killing is a sin! That baby is a baby as soon as it is conceived it is a human life! STOP TAKING INNOCENT BABIES LIVES! WE AS A NATION NEED TO FIGHT BACK AND MAKE ABORTION ILLEGAL AGAIN! ABORTION IS SICKENING AND WRONG!! LET'S TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY CHANGE THE LAW AND PROTECT THESE INNOCENT BABIES! LETS HELP AND KEEP THEM SAFE! LETS GIVE THEM A CHANCE WHEN THEIR OWN MOTHERS DON'T WANT TO!

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

Great new look.