Sunday, December 21, 2014

Santa Claus

In four short days kids all over the world will wake up early in the morning to see what they got for Christmas from Santa. Some will be satisfied with what they received others mad because they didn't get exactly what they wanted. Some times in all of the chaos of the Christmas season and in the anxiety of worrying about what presents you will receive we forget about our everyday Santa Claus.....God. God gives us presents every second of the day. No the presents he gives us aren't wrapped in paper and put under a tree and given to us on December 25. They are given to us in a different way.  God gives us the gift to wake up every day, have food on the table, have good health, a loving family, and so much more. During this season we are so worried about "Santa" but what about God. We don't have to write him a letter for him to know what we need and want.  He automatically knows and gives to us as he sees best. God is constantly watching you not just one time of the year to see if you are naughty or nice but constantly.  You don't have to leave him cookies, because his  cookies are when you praise him and honor his commandments. The milk is when you are baptized and remain a faithful Christian.  He doesn't have to come down a chimney he can come any way he wants with angels not reindeer.  How about thanking God a little bit more for being our everyday Santa and the one time a year Santa a little bit less.

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