Sunday, December 14, 2014

UAB Honor Band

This past weekend was the UAB honor band for high school. I was chosen to participate in it. Thursday we had auditions to be placed in a band and a certain chair. I was 5th chair Gold band. I was so excited because my band director was my old band director Mr. Wright!!! We learned 4 songs in just 6 and a half hours. we had practice Thursday night, Friday, and a little bit on Saturday. I love doing UAB honor band. It's a great experience for anyone to be apart of. It helps you grow as a musician and make friends. You meet people from all over. This weekend there was this girl in the same band as me who lost her mom Friday during practice. She had the courage to come back to practice and even come to the concert yesterday. While you are at honor bands you get to meet people who can have an effect on you. I know that girl sure did have one on me.

1 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Anonymous said...

Very good Keri, Now bring some of that hard work to the plate when your catching for the Lady Tiger. Coach Wiley