Saturday, January 10, 2015

God Is On Your Side

Recently i have had really bad anxiety problems and have been stressing about everything going on. I have felt alone and lonely and like nobody cared. I didn't think I could talk to anyone. Then I remembered when everything is going wrong God is still here. No, you can't see him or hear him but you are able to talk to him. When you have stuff going on and you don't know who to talk to just pray to God about it. He gives us plenty of help in the Bible. No matter how bad your life seems to be he is here for you. No matter how bad you messed up he loves you and will forgive you. It's just up to you if your going to use it or not and make a change. 

3 comment(s). Leave yours now!:

Emily said...

Great post, Keri!

Anonymous said...

This blog in amazing. I love L2L.

Anonymous said...